How to go to Jail
Your case in Court
Going to Jail
Leaving Prison
Life Outside

Go To Jail

How to go to jail
Your day in court
Pre-Sentence Report
In Jail
Leaving  Prison
Life outside

Welcome to the Web Site for those in trouble and for those supporting those in trouble.  The writer is one of our associates who had the misfortune (or stupidity) to find himself spending a short spell with Her Majesty's Prison Service at one of its local prisons and at a category D open prison.  Additional contributions have been made by others who have had experience on the inside. 

This site is not meant to be an authoritative account of what happens to those in trouble or a law reference,  nor is it aimed at canvassing sympathy or support for the writer.  

The writer was prompted to publish his experiences when he realised that both the writer and his supporters had been unprepared for the experiences of being in trouble.   Solicitors, Barristers and the usual agencies seemed incapable of preparing the accused for what inevitably happened.

 We welcome contributions and comments to gotojail@cwtraviss.co.uk

This page updated 11 February 2001